Offering customized, playful, rigorous, spacious, & body-based

coaching, mentor coaching, workshops, and retreats



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At a growth edge and not sure of your next step? Or in a transition and want help navigating?

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, despite your best efforts?

Want to get back in the flow of life?

Overwhelmed by too many options, demands, distractions, or stress?

Looking for a new perspective?

Needing some support and accountability to start or finish something important to you?

Longing to reconnect your mind, heart, body, and spirit and feel more whole?

Want to become the best version of yourself and have a positive impact on the world?



Find your ground and come home to yourself through simple yet powerful somatic practices.

Identify patterns that don’t serve you and where your sticking places are.

Define what ideal flow looks and feels like for you, and focus your attention on things that will allow more of it.

Explore new viewpoints. Discover play, and experiment with different ways of being and doing. 

Discover/rediscover and connect with what matters to you most in the space of a supportive relationship and committed listening. 

Leverage all of your intelligence by inviting all of your parts – head, heart, and gut to speak and be heard.

Navigate life with more awareness, choice, gratitude, and flow. Experience more joy and aliveness.

Your body holds the keys.


How we experience life depends on the degree to which we are able to be present with it, ourselves, and our own discomfort; as well as the perspective we choose (e.g., acceptance <-> resistance).

Life and how it unfolds are unpredictable. Water levels are constantly changing. Obstacles – both old and new – are always being revealed or submerged. Rivers change their course. Waves vary from gentle swells to tsunamis. The waves won’t stop coming. However, not only can we learn to calm our inner waters, we can learn how to surf* (*Jack Kornfield). Through intentional practice and repetition we can learn to do both and we can relate to what is changing in new, more productive ways. 

Simple, regular practices transform us over time, just as the repetitive action of water flowing over, under, and around stones reshapes them. And, they can help us build the capacity to meet and respond to challenges with greater stability and more fluidity. 

Waterstones Coaching gives you the keys to creating the sustainable change you are longing for. What are you waiting for? Schedule a free discovery call today! 

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Logo and wordmark created by Elena Gorger, Designer              Photo credits: Tina Geithner