“We are all works in progress, and we are what we repeatedly do.” Aristotle
Simple, regular practices transform us over time, just as the repetitive action of water flowing over, under, and around stones reshapes them.
They can help us build the capacity to meet and navigate life with more fluidity and greater stability.
I bring a holistic approach to coaching, mentor coaching, workshops, and retreats that integrates mindful awareness, experiential learning, embodiment, and a working knowledge of factors and tools that facilitate transformation (change from the inside-out).
As a committed partner in your transformative journey, I listen with presence, curiosity, and compassion so you feel seen, heard, and know you matter. We invite the whole of your innate intelligence (body-mind-spirit, head-heart-gut) to clarify what matters most to you, to provide direction for moving forward, and to create the conditions that will best support you. Our work together is personalized to meet your needs and what you are longing for in your life and/or work. It includes opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and reflection to support your learning and development.
Customized, playful, spacious, & body-informed
Coaching, Mentor Coaching, Workshops, & Retreats
Partnering with you in a creative and thought-provoking process focused on your goals and desired outcomes. Supporting you in creating sustainable change from the inside out. Packages and sliding fee scale available.
Mentor Coaching for pursuing or renewing your ICF- ACC or PCC credential, and/or honing your coaching skills and expanding your capacity to serve your clients more effectively and enjoy coaching more. 1-10 hours of 1:1 and/or group mentor coaching. Packages and loyalty discounts available.
Workshops & Retreats
Custom-designed to meet the needs and interests of your leadership or management team or group, and engage them in relevant serious play, content, conversation, and reflection. 1-2 hour workshops to full day retreats to year-long engagements focused on themes of your choice.
Options that can be incorporated in coaching, mentor coaching, workshops, and retreats include, and are not limited to:
Somatic practices engage your whole self (body-mind-spirit) and help you embody desired qualities (e.g., centering, movement practices, Yoga, journaling, meditation, etc.)
LEGO® Serious Play® methods for individuals and teams provide the opportunity to engage in hands-on thinking, and have some “hard fun”! Gain awareness of how you approach challenges, clarity regarding a current situation, and what’s needed to reach your goal or desired outcome.
Metaphor-Play is another type of hands-on thinking and visual mapping process that utilizes small objects, your imagination, and meaning-making guided by Clean Language questions.
FEBI (Focus Energy Balance Indicator) is a validated psychometric assessment that identies the relative strength of 4 primary energy patterns that show up in everything we do. FEBI results suggest ways of leveraging these patterns for more effective living and working with others.
Touchstones - Palpable and inspiring reminders of what matters most through images, words, and designs. When combined with your intention and practice, they support the sustainable inner change you want to make. Collaborate with me to create your own unique Touchstone or collection.
Everyone can benefit from coaching
Coaching creates clarity
Coaching provides support and accountability
Coaching facilitates transformation
· Everyone can benefit from coaching · Coaching creates clarity · Coaching provides support and accountability · Coaching facilitates transformation
Benefits of Custom-Designed, Body-Informed Services
Clarity of purpose
Setting intention
Greater self-awareness
Increased agency
Reduced anxiety
Increased motivation
Accountability -
Somatic awareness
Somatic practices
Somatic opening
Disrupting old patterns
Creating new patterns
Improved self-care
Increased well-being -
Emotional literacy
Emotional regulation
Enhanced connection
Greater resilience -
Navigating transitions
Communication skills
Greater self-confidence
Enhanced impact -
Self-directed & self-paced
Enhancing agency via options
Safe-to-fail experiments
Trigger recognition & reorganizing
Expanded Window of Tolerance
Sustainable outcomes
Frequently asked questions
Yes. We can schedule a free discovery session to meet, answer your questions, and determine if we are a good fit for working together.
My fees for coaching are $100-$150/hour and custom-designed workshops and retreats are priced separately. Prices depend on services provided (i.e., coaching, 1:1 or group mentor coaching, workshops, retreats, assessments, etc.), duration, etc. Please contact me for details regarding my services and prices. I offer my coaching clients a sliding scale and discounts for returning mentor coaching clients.
My practice is inclusive and affirming for everyone, I welcome you to share as much or as little as you want with me in order to help you feel comfortable as we work together.
Have questions or want to learn more?
Reach out.